
The Inclusion School Podcast

A brave place for caregivers, educators, and parents to learn how to talk about diversity and inclusion with children.

Our Goals and Vision

Inclusion School will deliver delightful conversation between 2 experienced
inclusion practitioners, expert guests, with opportunities for audience engagement with questions and answers discussed on the show. We will provide an educational offering of unique dimensions of diversity each month with bi-weekly guests and tools to have this ongoing important conversation with kids.

Who We Are

This podcast exists to drive positive change in inclusion.  Times are changing. We can no longer sit idly by and wait for the right time to educate our children on inclusion. These conversations can be tough and as such we avoid the painful process. That’s where Inclusion School comes in. We want to equip parents, educators and caregivers with the right tools and resources to begin and continue the inclusion conversation.

Our Story

The idea for this podcast was sparked from a series of conversations of diversity and inclusion practioners, Simone Morris and Julie Kratz.  Having young children themselves, and not always knowing where to find inclusive books or how to approach candid conversations with their children and educators about diversity, they decided to help solve the education gap.  In that purpose, Inclusion School was born.